PPP - Film holder

make film easy to carry and a part of your daily life

PPP - Film Holder

Introducing our latest film holder designed to take with you everywhere, keeping both you and your film cool for up to 24hrs

We have developed a reusable water bottle that will carry your film as well as water! less to carry, protects your film from the heat and is designed to fit in your bag

The small bottle will carry up to X3 35mm rolls of film perfect for a day out. The XL bottle will carry up to X4 35mm or even X4 120 rolls of film perfect for a hike

PPP Film holder

PPP film holder XL
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Film holder
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PPP film holder XL

Holds X4 35mm or X4 120 rolls of film

keeps your film fresh for up to 24hrs

Holds 750ml of water

PPP film holder

Holds X3 35mm rolls of film

keeps your film fresh for up to 24hrs

Holds 470ml of water